Windows 10 IoT Core is a version of Windows 10 developed for small devices having limited resources.You can use Visual Studio for developing IoT Core projects.
You can download Windows 10 IoT Core from the following link:
But mostly we will work with the IoT Core using the Dashboard.
Once you navigate to the above link you will see the option to get Windows 10 IoT Core dashboard:
Once you download and open it you will see the following screen.As currently there are no devices connected to the dashboard so we are not able to see any devices in the dashboard.
Next step is to connect a device running Windows 10 IoT Core to the dashboard:
Here you can see the option for selecting device type.We have selected Raspberry Pi option here.Next step is to insert an SD card into the computer.After you insert an SD card into the computer you can click download and install button.
After this you need to insert the SD card into Raspberry Pi and switch it on.Once that is done you will be able to see your device in the list of devices.
If you click on the Actions button you will be able to see the following options: