Python is a open source language,so license is not required for developing applications.It is object oriented and also supports
functional programming.
It is has a easy syntax and so it suitable to be used by beginners.You can use python on all the operating systems such as window,mac,linux.
You can easily call integrate code written in different languages in Python.For example you can combine Java,C, C++ with Python.
Python is interpreted at runtime by the interpreter. We do not need to compile program before executing it
To use Python you need to follow the below two steps:
1.Download and install Python from the following link
2.Set the environment path variable
Right click on the my computer icon.Select properties.In the window select advanced system settings.
Click on environment variables.Append the path to the Python installation directory in the Path variable value.
To see if Python is correctly installed open command prompt and enter python.You should see message as below which displays the installed version of Python.
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