WordPress can be customised using number of settings.These are useful in different scenarios ,so it is useful to know about some of the important settings.
The dashboard provides number of useful actions.Some of the tasks which can be performed from the dashboard are:
- Create/Edit posts
- Create/Edit pages
- View Comments
- Change themes
- Add / Update plugins
- View users
- Manage WordPress settings
- Backup WordPress
If you login to the WordPress then you can view the dashboard:
One important part of the dashboard is the settings section.You can modify the different WordPress settings from here such as:
General settings These include settings such as URL,Tagline,Admin email address,Timezone.
Writing settings These include settings like Default post category
Reading SettingsĀ These include some useful settings such as
- Home page screen
- Maximum number of posts at a time
- Feed setting
The WP Settings plugin will help you view lots of useful settings in a single location.

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