What is AWS?
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud services platform.It provides services for different functionalities such as a resources,database,networking.
What are the main components of AWS?
- Route53 Route53 is a feature rich domain name service (DNS) web service
- Simple Email Service It allows you to send emails without running your own email infrastructure.
- Identity and Access Management provides security and identity management for AWS account.
- Simple storage service (S3) is a storage device.
- Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) provides on demand computing resources.It is the main component of AWS.
- Elastic block store (EBS) provides persist storage volumes which attach to EC2 instances and allows to persist data after the lifespan of a single EC2
- CloudWatch provides monitoring for AWS resources and enables to view and collect key metrics and also notifies in case of trouble
What is Amazon EC2?
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a main part of amazon’s cloud computing platform.EC2 provides a web service through which users can configure virtual machine or instance.So EC2 provides an abstraction of resources.
What is Amazon Machine Image or AMI?
Amazon Machine Image is used to launch an instance.It contains information about the instance such as operating system,application server.You can create an AMI or use the default one.
What is a bucket?
Bucket is logical storage unit in Amazon S3 .Every object in Amazon S3 is stored in a bucket. Before data can be stored in S3,bucket must be created.
How do you manage security in AWS?
Security is managed by using the Cloud computing security service.Also you can choose the specific data centers across different geographies.Following are some of the guidelines related to security:
- By restricting access to ports of the instance
- By using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)