Route Guards determine whether to allow or deny navigation within Angular application.
There are 4 types of routing guards in Angular:
- CanActivate Determines if a route can be activated
- CanActivateChild If route children can be activated
- CanLoad If lazy loaded child routes can be loaded.
- CanDeactivate Determines if the user can navigate away from route url
You attach a route guard to a route while defining the route using the route type.For example you can attach a route guard called DetailsGuard of type canActivate as:
const routes: Routes = [{ path: 'details',component: DetailsComponent,canActivate: [DetailsGuard]}
You define the CanActivate guard as:
@Injectable() export class DetailsGuard implements CanActivate { constructor(private router: Router) {} canActivate():boolean { //logic to determine true or false value return true; } }
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