IDE stands for integrated development environment is an application which provides several features that help developers in various tasks.It commonly consists of following:
- Source code editor
- compiler or interpreter
- debugger
- code completion
- syntax highlighting
Python has several IDEs which are supported on Windows.Here we will look into some of these IDEs:
Following are supported in all the Operating Systems including Windows:
PyCharm is created by JetBrains.It is used for mainly Python, Javascript, Typescript, AngularJS, Node.js among others.It also supports some web development frameworks such as Django.It can be used for running and debugging Python applications.It has good community support.There is an option to buy yearly license.
Eclipse using PyDev
Eclipse supports Python using Python plugin for Eclipse called PyDev.It is open source and licensed under Eclipse’s public license.Supports Django.
Emacs is a family of text editors.It is supported on Windows. Mac OS, Linux.It is free and registered under GNU(General Public License).
Wing IDE
Wing IDE is Close-Sourced .Supports Windows, Linux and MacOS support.It has support for Django.
Komodo IDE
Komodo IDE Close-Sourced , Windows, MacOS and Linux support.You need to buy license to use it.There is currently 21 days trial available.
Sublime Text 3
Sublime is supported on all the major OS.There is a plugin for Python that can be added in Sublime called SublimePythonIDE.
Spyder is free to use under MIT license,windows, Linux, MacOS, MacOS.Useful for data science applications.